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Norfolk VA USCIS Office Reviews

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Norfolk VA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
60 Review(s)
Norfolk VA Review #24971 on November 5, 2018:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Arrived 30 mins earlier so we were the first one. Our interviewer was a woman, she went through my original application and we update the fields about the job. She checked the evidence of marriage that I have with me, and ask how we met. I had the approval after some mins, and honestly was a big surprise because I thought I would have to wait a mail in some weeks to know it! The interview lasted around 20 mins in total.

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Norfolk VA Review #24925 on October 29, 2018:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

At 9am I had biometrics appointment. I was there at 8:55am security guards were very nice and friendly and they guided me to the room I have to be. Was waiting there like 5 mins then officer came out gave me a number i was waiting next 3-4mins until they called my number. The guy who took my fingerprints was very polite, made me feel very comfortable, talked to me about weather and everything was done In next 5 mins. I was out at 9:16am

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Norfolk VA Review #24829 on October 13, 2018:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It only took 20 minutes for the entire interview. She asked the questions in the form I-485, then asked about our wedding and our plans for the future as married couple. She asked for evidence that we are living together. She said that I am eligible for the green card but she still need to go through the papers that we submitted. Then a day after,i looked up my case online and it said that it is approved. Then after a day, it says " card is mailed to me".

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Norfolk VA Review #24788 on October 5, 2018:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment at the USCIS field office in Norfolk, VA was for Adjustment Of Status (I-485), based on marriage after entering the US on a K1 visa in 2017.

We filed AOS in the middle of December 2017, and the interview was 289 days later, a good 9 months wait.

Since I've read many of the reviews here I was even more nervous, because I kept seeing the term "intimidating" in almost all of them. So... expecting the worst we arrived at 8:15, our interview was scheduled for 8:45am.

After passing the security checks and checking in we sat in the waiting area for a little more than an hour. (Man, I was hungry... )

After a felt eternity we got called up and a very friendly male officer (forgot the name, of course), walked us into an office in the back. Another female officer was already waiting there, and it turned out she was his trainer.

First they told us to remain standing, swore us in and had u... read complete review

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Norfolk VA Review #24500 on August 23, 2018:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The appointment was scheduled for 9:30 and we walked in around 9:15. We left our cell phones in the car so I'm not sure what time they called us back for the interview but we got out of there at 10:15. The lady doing our interview was Officer Nichols. She was serious but nice. Once we got inside her office she swore us in and then asked Lotfi all the questions on the I-485 form. Once that was finished, she asked what other countries he's visited, how and when we met, if we know each other's families, how my family felt about him, where we got engaged, who proposed, when did we realize we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, etc. Basically, if your relationship is real then you don't need to worry about any of the questions!

We took with us A LOT of documents/evidence - better too have too much and not need it than need something and not have it!!

We brought all originals and copies of:
everything we received from the government
... read complete review

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